I'm so glad that someone else thinks of Rhinoceros when they consider what gender ideology is doing.

A great article!

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Every word true.

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Excellent article, thanks Nina

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A brilliant article and well written.

In England we're a little behind Scotland, and we've put up a bit more resistance, but we're heading in the same direction. It seems that it's become mandatory for all teachers in state schools to affirm students plans to transition and to keep it hidden from parents if the student wants. The default assumption of the schools is that all parents are transphobes. This is happening despite the Cass report and despite the grooming reports from Mermaids.

I was fired from my job as a maths teacher for refusing to transition a student and I am taking my case to the Employment Tribunal. I hope whatever the outcome it will slow the charge of the rhinoceroses.

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Bullseye after bullseye.

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A great analogy. The 'Theatre of The Absurd' (that Martin Esslin label) is long over-due for a revival of popularity as the world grows darker and crazier.

I once met Ionesco in the 70's in Paris. He looked a little like Alfred Hitchcock to me then. He had a wife who resembled one of his characters; a Magritte-like woman who carried a large handbag around with her. She may or may not have been his muse but she would (reportedly) sit silently through rehearsals of his plays and attend every performance.

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Deadly and depressingly to the point. It has felt like a stampede. It is also beyond belief that no-one who voted for this abomination has even dipped a finger into the river of filth and violent threat towards those who disagree with them (terfs) by the AGPs, trans allies et al.

The proof of what awaits women and children is there, clearly and unambiguously stated.

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Very well said,excellent analogy,very well written.

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My husband thinks the T issue is just 'a few loonies for clickbait', he has no clue how far the ideology has gone into actual laws & policies. I find most people are like this if you mention it. They don't realise how serious it is, that stuff really has changed. Or they know it has but are resolutely hoping if they ignore it it will just go away.

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Excellent article, well written utilising a perfect metaphor. Brilliant!!

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I love the metaphorical connection and congratulations in using the Rhinocerous in such a powerful way in a superb Ince if writing. As a man of a certain age I am becoming more withdrawn from the younger generation fr fear of causing upset in normal discourse. We need more people like you addressing these absurdities. Critical race theory is something that has over-taken hold on the masses and I am constantly being made aware of irrationalities that I couldn’t make up for myself.

So keep on writing - talent like yours deserves an audience. The audience for common sense is large - rhetoric like this will make them more receptive

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What a beautiful and brilliant analogy

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Excellent article.

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Thank you for putting into words this insanity. I listened to the author of libido dominadi discuss this demoralizing intent, as did Yuri Bezmenov, and we see now the reason for this destabilizing assault on fertility and the right to life - the hope of a child bring without the social engineers corrupting minds with weaponised spoon fed realities seemingly destined for a dream when the behavioral scientists are the most essential workers alive it would seem

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I am also 29 and I relate a lot to your journey to seeing reality. It’s been a weird decade.

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Ps. I also used to work in libraries !

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Well and gracefully said!

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